Ikaria's Hand-Painted Signs

Explore Ikaria’s hidden terrain and paths, and you’ll discover its countless and timeless hand-painted signs. Each sign has its own silent history, its own journey of weathering, its own story of existence.

Some signs mark village paths used by locals many years ago; others mark what local communities hope visitors will see and appreciate about their island today. Some signs are newly cut each spring with fresh paint. But so many signs are so old that they’ve just about faded back into the colors of surrounding nature. Discovering these unique cultural relics can feel almost magical! While exploring Ikaria, see how many painted signs you encounter.

We especially love Ikaria’s old painted signs that have survived decades or even centuries. Each one seems to bear its own artistic badge of pride and resilience. These old signs (many exist deep inside Ikaria’s hidden mountainous terrain) still welcome the curious, inspire the adventurous, and speak to the most dedicated of travelers!

Let us know which signs are your favorite ones on the walks we highlight in the Ikaria Guidebook! Also please share with us any other delightful signs that you encounter!